There are so many options for first dates during the summer months, so many ways that you can experience a new person that you just can’t when it’s cold. But what do YOU think is acceptable for a first date? Do you set boundaries in dating? I’m not talking about activities. Well, maybe I am.

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So the last time, I talked about how to determine whether something was a red flag or not. That begged a discussion about how picky is TOO picky? If you have a laundry list of red flags, does that now make you TOO picky? Exactly how many red flag items does it take to make

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So last time, I wrote about how women oftentimes believe that we can change people, when the truth of the matter is that all we can ever really do is encourage change. It is totally up to the other person to actually make the changes. This leads me to the subject of red flags. Our

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A conversation online last week has me thinking about women’s general approach to relationships. There are lots of things that are fairly unique to the lesbian community and then there’s stuff that’s just women’s stuff. This is one of those things. It’s just double when it comes to us. The conversation was about how to

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I write this to you today as I am sitting outside, enjoying a little springtime sunshine while I watch our dog hunt landscapers (she and landscapers have a mostly one-sided hate-filled relationship). This weather has been promised to us for a long time – well, for a week. It feels longer. I checked the forecast

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