If you’ve been around Pam and I long enough, then you’ve probably heard us caution people again “u-hauling.” We’ve dropped that gem in videos and right here in your email box. Even baby-lesbians know what U-hauling is, and I’m sure you do too. But just to make sure you’re with me, I’ll briefly explain. U-hauling

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So here we are, entering the holiday season. I love this time of year. Maybe it’s because I’m a December baby? I don’t know. But I love it. I love the general feeling of calm. I love the smell in the air. I love the time spent with family. I know, though, that this isn’t

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When Pam and I talk to either single women or those in the beginning stages of their relationships, one thing we’ve heard is a concern about how you keep the interest in your relationship. From single women, it’s about talking to a potential love interest and then slowly running out of things to talk about.

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Let’s face it: relationships can be hard. Some start off hard, others will likely hit some bumps along the road. The longer you’re with someone, the greater the chances that you’ll hit some rough spots. It happens in every relationship. Even if the troubles aren’t directly related to the two of you, there will be

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In our previous post, while talking about some of the dating struggles that lesbians who come out late in life might face, I wanted to be clear about one thing in particular: Coming out late in life doesn’t mean that you have to settle. Actually, that goes for everyone. Accepting a situation is not the

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