Here’s where we are with conversations in modern dating Alright, let’s face it. We’re all adults here. What’s more important is that most of us reading this are middle-aged adults. You might be a little before middle age or just beyond it, but you either will get there or you have been. And being middle-aged

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If you’ve been around Pam and I long enough, then you’ve probably heard us caution people again “u-hauling.” We’ve dropped that gem in videos and right here in your email box. Even baby-lesbians know what U-hauling is, and I’m sure you do too. But just to make sure you’re with me, I’ll briefly explain. U-hauling

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Alright, so let’s get right to it. I’m going to stay with our impromptu lying/honesty theme this week and address another sore spot for women trying to navigate these dating streets:  What women say that they want. It’s usually one of two things: either the woman doesn’t know what she wants, or she knows what

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As you may know by now, Pam and I love to travel. As we move about this new pandemic-induced world a bit more, we will be adding some travel content to our website as well, so be on the look out for that. Anyway, yesterday, Pam and I were working on a project that had

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So last time, I wrote about how women oftentimes believe that we can change people, when the truth of the matter is that all we can ever really do is encourage change. It is totally up to the other person to actually make the changes. This leads me to the subject of red flags. Our

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