So last week I shared with you that Pam and I met while living almost two thousand miles apart. After we lived apart for two years, we decided it was time to try to get closer to each other. As a college professor by trade, finding new jobs can be hit or miss, so I

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So, in my other life, I am a college professor. When the pandemic hit hard last March, our college switched to online and we still have not yet returned to campus. In the last year of working from home, I have developed what can only be affectionately called the “pandemic physique.” The pandemic physique primarily

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I’ve been thinking about risk taking. Let the universe tell it, women are not big risk takers. I guess I can’t argue with that too much. There’s probably a grain of truth to it. But we do take risks. We just take calculated risks. So this risk I took was probably the biggest one I’d

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Kelly was inside the house. She had no idea why I was yelling, “FCK FCK F*CK! outside. I had just broken the top of our snowblower. It was a key part: the part that angles the snow to where you want it to go and I had just broken it. I was HOT! See, what

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There was a time when I didn’t want to get married. It was the mid to late nineties. I had been with my then-girlfriend of 10 years for a few years. How the discussion of marriage came up, I don’t recall. What I do recall was standing firm on not wanting to get married. I’m

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