As you may know by now, Pam and I love to travel. As we move about this new pandemic-induced world a bit more, we will be adding some travel content to our website as well, so be on the look out for that. Anyway, yesterday, Pam and I were working on a project that had

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I write to you on a sweltering week day, as I sit outside with our dog Brooklyn, a week after returning from our first vacation in about a year and a half! Whew! With that in mind, I want to write to you about the importance of taking a pause. Pam and I have been

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Talker.  That’s one word I can use to describe my dad.  Boy, that man could talk.  He could spend hours on the phone talking. No sooner than he hung up with one person, he’d pick up the phone, dial it, and chat it up with someone else.  You could be a complete stranger and he’d

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So a few days ago, we spoke with a friend whom we’ve helped revamp her dating profile and dig through the messiness that is getting back into the lesbian dating world (she knows who she is!) She had been on the shelf for a while and is ready to dip her toes back in these

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Hello from hot and steamy New Jersey! I want to step a little bit away from the relationship stuff today and talk about something else (but which still has relationship relevance because of course it does!) So, in the last month or so, Pam and I have been venturing out a bit more. This last

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